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Rue des Artisans - Zone Industrielle Sainte-Agathe
B.P. 80056 - 57192 FLORANGE CEDEX
Tél : - Fax :
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La société BELLE ETIQUETTE was founded in 1987. The company is situated in Florange - Moselle (France) on the Sainte Agathe industrial estate.
It has its own design and manufacturing departments for self-adhesive labels.
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Cutting, varnish that is appropriate for food packaging, repoussés, such are the ever increasing requirements of packaging today.
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Specific manufacturing that relies on the packaging systems installed.

A sophisticaded finish, in particular in the cosmetic sector or the wine industry.
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During its 10 year's of experience, BELLE ETIQUETTE has positioned itself among the leaders in the fiels of label of label printing using the different technologies of this sector where rigour and quality go hand in hand with unavoidale constraints.
A technical structure devoted to the most severe realisation and use constraints provide clients with the answers they look for.
  • specific lesgislation
  • pose techniques
  • specific finishes
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