belletiq.gif (8937 octets)

Rue des Artisans - Zone Industrielle Sainte-Agathe
B.P. 80056 - 57192 FLORANGE CEDEX
Tél : - Fax :

m2fok.jpg (31924 octets) flecheb.gif (431 octets)
BELLE ETIQUETTE has a range of modern and complementary machines that makes it possible to print in flexo, typo, silk-screen printing and offset.
A combination of the different processe is available.
TAIYO machine
Process : rotating typography - 8 colours.
15x15.gif (60 octets)
flecheb.gif (431 octets)
For the finish, we propose varnish, film, gliding, embossed finish, numbering ...                                       m3fok.jpg (24178 octets)
flecheh.gif (434 octets) ILMA machine
Process : rotating typography - Flexography - Silk-screen printing
15x15.gif (60 octets)
icprecok.gif (985 octets) ichomok.gif (742 octets) icsuivok.gif (821 octets)